Mercury® Diesel
3.0L (230-270hp)
Redefinindo o padrão em um pacote poderoso, compacto e de fácil manutenção
- Potência mhp/kW 270
- RPM Máximo (WOT) 4200
- Tipo motor V6
- Cilindrada (L) 3.0L
- Air Handling Turbocharged and Aftercooled
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Fácil Manutenção.
O Mercury Diesel 3.0L tem manutenção simplificada. Os pontos de serviço de óleo, líquido de arrefecimento, caixa de fusíveis, filtro de água salgada e óleo da direção hidráulica estão localizados na frente do motor, junto ao Programa de Manutenção codificado por cores, fornecendo diretrizes fáceis de entender e de simples acesso.
Redefinindo o padrão.
O novo motor de alta velocidade Mercury Diesel 3.0L common-rail oferece desempenho excepcional e melhorias substanciais em aceleração e velocidade máxima - tudo isso graças ao novo design do turbocompressor de geometria variável (VGT) arrefecido à água. Este sistema combinado, além de um sistema de controle de última geração, reduz o tempo ao planeio e proporciona um desempenho geral excepcional.
Confiança + Desempenho.
Aproveitar o seu tempo na água é mais facilmente alcançado com um motor que funciona dia após dia. O Mercury Diesel 3.0L é fabricado em instalações de última geração que empregam as mais recentes práticas e controles de qualidade, garantindo máxima confiança. Combine a confiabilidade e o desempenho do Mercury Diesel 3.0L com o sistema SmartCraft e um conjunto completo de acessórios que contribuem para uma experiência insuperável de navegação.
Desempenho Silencioso.
O Mercury Diesel 3.0L tem um desempenho estimulante, reduzindo o ruído e a vibração. O filtro de ar também funciona como um silenciador que remove o barulho geralmente associado aos motores a diesel. Os coxins são projetados para minimizar a vibração. Ter uma conversa enquanto navega nunca foi tão fácil.
Joystick Piloting for Inboards.
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Resistência a Corrosão.
Os motores a diesel Mercury apresentam proteção a corrosão de ponta, incluindo um sistema de refrigeração a água fechado controlado por termostato. Óleo de motor refrigerado a água, óleo de engrenagem e fluído de direção reduzem as temperaturas no espaço no motor, estendendo a vida útil do motor. O sistema SeaCore® está disponível, para uma proteção máxima na água salgada.
Mercury® Diesel: 3.0L (230-270hp)
Potência mhp/kW - 270
Diâmetro e curso (mm) - 3.27 x 6.62" / 83 x 92 mm
RPM Máximo (WOT) - 4200
Tipo motor - V6
Cilindrada (L) - 3.0L
Dry Weight (engine only) - 348 Kg (767 lbs)
Dimensões (L x P x A) - 36.6 x 33.5 x 30.0" / 931 x 851 x 784 mm
Peak Torque - 594 Nm @ 2200 rpm
Air Handling - Turbocharged and Aftercooled
Fuel System - High pressure common rail
Rotation - Counter clockwise facing flywheel
Compression Ratio - 16.5:1
Fuel Pre-filtration requirement - Not required
Fuel lift pump - On engine
High pressure fuel pump - Bosch CP 4.2 w/ integrated gear lift pump
Valves per Cylinder - 4
Pistons - Oil jet cooled
Fuel injectors - Bosch CRS 2.20 (Solenoid)
Glow Plugs - Standard equipment with Bosch glow plug control unit (GCU)
Air inlet (Starboard Rear) - Filtered and silenced
Turbocharger - Honeywell VGT
Engine and turbocharger cooling - Closed cooled
Coolers - Aftercooler, Engine Coolant, Engine Oil, Power Steering / Gear Oil and Fuel - All are tube and shell
Seawater pump inlet size - 38 mm (1.5 in)
Oil sump volume - 8.5 L
Dipstick range - 1.0 L
Oil maintenance interval - 200 hours or annually
Coolant Volume - 12 L
Flywheel size - 290 mm (11.42 in) SAE 8
Electrical system - 12 V, 110 A w/ conveniently located battery power and ground studs
MerCathode (Sterndrive only) - Engine mounted
Engine Stop - ECU Controlled
Engine Control Unit (ECU) - Bosch EDC17
Sensors - Crank & cam position, intake manifold pressure/temp, compressor outlet temp, exhaust gas temp, fuel temp, rail pressure, water in fuel (WIF), oil pressure/temp, coolant temp, seawater pressure/temp, atmospheric pressure
Throttle and shift - Mercury DTS or Mechanical Cable
Helm and gauge compatibility - Mercury SmartCraft
Mercury Joystick Piloting - Compatible with Joystick Piloting for Inboards
Inboard: ZF 63A - 1.21, 1.56, 2.03, 2.52, 2.68
Inboard: ZF 63 - 1.25, 1.75, 2.78
Inboard: ZF 68IV - 1.29, 1.56, 1.99
Inboard: ZF 45C - 1
Potência mhp/kW - 270
Diâmetro e curso (mm) - 3.27 x 6.62" / 83 x 92 mm
RPM Máximo (WOT) - 4200
Tipo motor - V6
Cilindrada (L) - 3.0L
Dry Weight (engine only) - 358 Kg (789 lbs)
Dimensões (L x P x A) - 36.7 x 33.4 x 32.0" / 847 x 849 x 813 mm
Peak Torque - 594 Nm @ 2200 rpm
Air Handling - Turbocharged and Aftercooled
Fuel System - High pressure common rail
Rotation - Counter clockwise facing flywheel
Compression Ratio - 16.5:1
Fuel Pre-filtration requirement - Not required
Fuel lift pump - On engine
High pressure fuel pump - Bosch CP 4.2 w/ integrated gear lift pump
Valves per Cylinder - 4
Pistons - Oil jet cooled
Fuel injectors - Bosch CRS 2.20 (Solenoid)
Glow Plugs - Standard equipment with Bosch glow plug control unit (GCU)
Air inlet (Starboard Rear) - Filtered and silenced
Turbocharger - Honeywell VGT
Engine and turbocharger cooling - Closed cooled
Coolers - Aftercooler, Engine Coolant, Engine Oil, Power Steering / Gear Oil and Fuel - All are tube and shell
Seawater pump inlet size - 38 mm (1.5 in)
Oil sump volume - 8.5 L
Dipstick range - 1.0 L
Oil maintenance interval - 200 hours or annually
Coolant Volume - 12 L
Flywheel size - 290 mm (11.42 in) SAE 8
Electrical system - 12 V, 110 A w/ conveniently located battery power and ground studs
MerCathode (Sterndrive only) - Engine mounted
Engine Stop - ECU Controlled
Engine Control Unit (ECU) - Bosch EDC17
Sensors - Crank & cam position, intake manifold pressure/temp, compressor outlet temp, exhaust gas temp, fuel temp, rail pressure, water in fuel (WIF), oil pressure/temp, coolant temp, seawater pressure/temp, atmospheric pressure
Throttle and shift - Mercury DTS or Mechanical Cable
Helm and gauge compatibility - Mercury SmartCraft
Mercury Joystick Piloting - Compatible with Joystick Piloting for Sterndrives (Axius)
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo One X - 1.36, 1.5, 1.65
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo One X SeaCore - 1.36, 1.50, 1.65
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo One XR - 1.35, 1.50
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Two X - 1.50, 1.65, 1.81, 2.00
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Two X SeaCore - 1.50, 1.65, 1.81, 2.00
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Two XR - 1.65
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Three X - 1.36, 1.50, 1.65, 1.81, 2.00
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Three X SeaCore - 1.36, 1.50, 1.65, 1.81, 2.00
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Three XR - 1.65, 1.81, 2.00
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Three XR SeaCore - 1.65, 1.81
Peso (somente motor) - 358 Kg (789 lbs)
Potência mhp/kW - 230
Diâmetro e curso (mm) - 3.27 x 6.62" / 83 x 92 mm
RPM Máximo (WOT) - 4200
Tipo motor - V6
Cilindrada (L) - 3.0L
Dry Weight (engine only) - 348 Kg (767 lbs)
Dimensões (L x P x A) - 36.6 x 33.5 x 30.0" / 931 x 851 x 784 mm
Peak Torque - 503 Nm @ 2200 rpm
Air Handling - Turbocharged and Aftercooled
Fuel System - High pressure common rail
Rotation - Counter clockwise facing flywheel
Compression Ratio - 16.5:1
Fuel Pre-filtration requirement - Not required
Fuel lift pump - On engine
High pressure fuel pump - Bosch CP 4.2 w/ integrated gear lift pump
Valves per Cylinder - 4
Pistons - Oil jet cooled
Fuel injectors - Bosch CRS 2.20 (Solenoid)
Glow Plugs - Standard equipment with Bosch glow plug control unit (GCU)
Air inlet (Starboard Rear) - Filtered and silenced
Turbocharger - Honeywell VGT
Engine and turbocharger cooling - Closed cooled
Coolers - Aftercooler, Engine Coolant, Engine Oil, Power Steering / Gear Oil and Fuel - All are tube and shell
Seawater pump inlet size - 38 mm (1.5 in)
Oil sump volume - 8.5 L
Dipstick range - 1.0 L
Oil maintenance interval - 200 hours or annually
Coolant Volume - 12 L
Flywheel size - 290 mm (11.42 in) SAE 8
Electrical system - 12 V, 110 A w/ conveniently located battery power and ground studs
Engine Stop - ECU Controlled
Engine Control Unit (ECU) - Bosch EDC17
Sensors - Crank & cam position, intake manifold pressure/temp, compressor outlet temp, exhaust gas temp, fuel temp, rail pressure, water in fuel (WIF), oil pressure/temp, coolant temp, seawater pressure/temp, atmospheric pressure
Throttle and shift - Mercury DTS or Mechanical Cable
Helm and gauge compatibility - Mercury SmartCraft
Mercury Joystick Piloting - Compatible with Joystick Piloting for Inboards
Inboard: ZF 63A - 1.21, 1.56, 2.03, 2.52, 2.68
Inboard: ZF 63 - 1.25, 1.75, 2.78
Inboard: ZF 68IV - 1.29, 1.56, 1.99
Inboard: ZF 45C - 1
Potência mhp/kW - 230
Diâmetro e curso (mm) - 3.27 x 6.62" / 83 x 92 mm
RPM Máximo (WOT) - 4200
Tipo motor - V6
Cilindrada (L) - 3.0L
Dry Weight (engine only) - 358 Kg (789 lbs)
Dimensões (L x P x A) - 36.7 x 33.4 x 32.0" / 847 x 849 x 813 mm
Peak Torque - 503 Nm @ 2200 rpm
Air Handling - Turbocharged and Aftercooled
Fuel System - High pressure common rail
Rotation - Counter clockwise facing flywheel
Compression Ratio - 16.5:1
Fuel Pre-filtration requirement - Not required
Fuel lift pump - On engine
High pressure fuel pump - Bosch CP 4.2 w/ integrated gear lift pump
Valves per Cylinder - 4
Pistons - Oil jet cooled
Fuel injectors - Bosch CRS 2.20 (Solenoid)
Glow Plugs - Standard equipment with Bosch glow plug control unit (GCU)
Air inlet (Starboard Rear) - Filtered and silenced
Turbocharger - Honeywell VGT
Engine and turbocharger cooling - Closed cooled
Coolers - Aftercooler, Engine Coolant, Engine Oil, Power Steering / Gear Oil and Fuel - All are tube and shell
Seawater pump inlet size - 38 mm (1.5 in)
Oil sump volume - 8.5 L
Dipstick range - 1.0 L
Oil maintenance interval - 200 hours or annually
Coolant Volume - 12 L
Flywheel size - 290 mm (11.42 in) SAE 8
Electrical system - 12 V, 110 A w/ conveniently located battery power and ground studs
MerCathode (Sterndrive only) - Engine mounted
Engine Stop - ECU Controlled
Engine Control Unit (ECU) - Bosch EDC17
Sensors - Crank & cam position, intake manifold pressure/temp, compressor outlet temp, exhaust gas temp, fuel temp, rail pressure, water in fuel (WIF), oil pressure/temp, coolant temp, seawater pressure/temp, atmospheric pressure
Throttle and shift - Mercury DTS or Mechanical Cable
Helm and gauge compatibility - Mercury SmartCraft
Mercury Joystick Piloting - Compatible with Joystick Piloting for Sterndrives (Axius)
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo One X - 1.36, 1.5, 1.65
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo One X SeaCore - 1.36, 1.50, 1.65
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo One XR - 1.35, 1.50
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Two X - 1.50, 1.65, 1.81, 2.00, 2.20
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Two X SeaCore - 1.50, 1.65, 1.81, 2.00, 2.20
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Two XR - 1.65
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Three X - 1.36, 1.50, 1.65, 1.81, 2.00, 2.20
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Three X SeaCore - 1.36, 1.50, 1.65, 1.81, 2.00, 2.20
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Three XR - 1.65, 1.81, 2.00
Sterndrive: Mercury Bravo Three XR SeaCore - 1.65, 1.81