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Mercury Marine Receives Award for Energy Efficiency on Earth Day

Initiatives reflect Mercury's belief that industry can champion significant and sustainable improvements to protect the environment.

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Mercury Marine Receives Award for Energy Efficiency on Earth Day

Mercury Marine today was named a winner of the 2020 Energy Efficiency Excellence Award by Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy program. The award, timed to coincide with Earth Day, honors Wisconsin businesses, organizations and communities that make outstanding efforts toward energy efficiency. The winners are chosen by Focus on Energy staff who work with program participants across the state.

Focus on Energy is a statewide Wisconsin program that empowers people and businesses to make smart energy decisions with enduring economic benefits.

The award cited several Mercury energy-efficiency initiatives, including new and modern facilities construction, increased use of passive and low-energy lighting, the use of variable-frequency drives for climate-control systems, upgraded manufacturing equipment, more efficient manufacturing processes, compressed-air improvements, and redirection and reuse of energy generated from manufacturing. The award also commended Mercury for designing and building marine engines that are in the top of their class for fuel efficiency, low emissions and quiet operation.

“We have been close partners with Focus on Energy for many years," said Scott Louks, Mercury sustainability manager. "Whether it's upgrading equipment or implementing high-value energy-efficiency projects, Mercury saves money on energy costs while promoting a healthier environment because of this partnership.

"About one-third of global energy demand goes toward industry. The high level of energy that industrial plants consume has a large impact on both the economy and the environment. By pursuing energy efficiency in our operations, we help lower energy-consumption costs, reduce carbon emissions and limit our environmental impact while improving our sustainability performance,” Louks said.

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Soutient ardemment Ocean Conservancy

Mercury Marine s'engage à vous aider à créer de belles expériences sur l'eau, mais cela implique une responsabilité de protéger ces mêmes eaux pour les générations futures. À cette fin, Mercury soutient des organisations vouées à la conservation et à ...

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