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How to Tie a Bowline Knot with Mercury Pro Timmy Horton

This go-to knot is easy, functional and secure.


Along with the cleat hitch and the clove hitch, the extremely popular bowline knot is an essential knot for anyone who likes to spend time on the water. And there are very good reasons for that. It’s quick, easy to tie, functional and it’s going to hold. By creating a fixed loop at the end of a line, the bowline knot won’t slip or run. Another advantage – it’s also easy to untie. In other words, the bowline is a staple for any boater looking for a dependable way to secure their boat to a dock.

Dating back to the Age of Sail (mid-16th to mid-19th centuries), the bowline knot is ideal for tying your boat to a dock piling, post or cleat, as well as to secure a boat’s mooring line to an anchor.

In this video, Mercury Pro Team member and professional angler Timmy Horton demonstrates, step by step, how he ties a bowline knot when he’s at the dock.

For more from Mercury Pro Team member Timmy Horton, check him out on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube or visit his website,


How to Tie a Bowline Knot with Mercury Pro Timmy Horton
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How to Tie a Bowline Knot with Mercury Pro Timmy Horton
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