Comp Series
Fury® 4

A Tournament Winner

Top-performing bass propeller for tournament-weighted loads.

  • Available pitches 24, 25, 26
  • Rotation RH
  • Performance vent system (PVS) Yes
  • Boat types Bass, Fish and Ski, Inflatable - Rigid Hull (RIB), Multi-species Fish
  • Number of blades 4
  • Material X7 Alloy
Facebook Live - Fury 4

Facebook Live - Fury 4

Mercury Propeller product manager Jared Reichenberger talks about the new Fury 4 and answers Facebook fans' questions live.

Click here to watch.

X7合金: 不可能を可能に

X7 Alloy: Designed to do the impossible.

Making Rules. By rewriting the rules. Thirty-percent stronger and four times more durable than conventional stainless steel, Mercury's revolutionary X7® alloy makes the impossible possible. Prop designs that couldn't be done. Performance levels that couldn't be reached. Now within your grasp.

Producir las hélices Mercury de primera categoría no es una tarea simple.

Producing world-class Mercury propellers is no simple task

Producing a world-renowned Mercury Marine prop takes time and skill, not to mention advanced engineering and know-how. Every operation - from inception to completion - is centralized at Mercury's propeller manufacturing facility in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

A Higher Grade of Performance

A Higher Grade of Performance

Mercury transforms aluminum and stainless steel into the highest-quality, best-performing, most-durable marine propellers in the world. Our experience, expertise and proprietary technologies – Flo Torq, Mercalloy®, X7® alloy and PVS® (Performance Vent System) – give you the competitive advantage. For best overall boat performance, there's no substitute for a Mercury propeller.