Mercury Electric Steering

Quiet. Efficient. Responsive.

A highly efficient, space-saving system for Mercury V10 and V8 AMS outboards.

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Un contrôle exceptionnel

Exceptional Control

Enjoy instantly responsive handling and precise, smooth maneuvers.

L’avantage de l’électricité

Electric Advantage

With no hydraulics, you get more space in the utility compartment of your boat and a cleaner transom installation. Electric Steering also minimizes noise and distraction – a meaningful benefit for Joystick Piloting for Outboards (JPO) applications, when the engines are actively holding the boat in position or maneuvering the vessel.

Économies de puissance

Power Savings

An efficient design consumes less than half the electrical power as electro-hydraulic steering, leaving more power for running your favorite onboard accessories.

Compatible avec les moteurs hors-bord équipés de l’AMS

Compatible with AMS-Equipped Outboards

Electric Steering is compatible with Mercury V10 and V8 outboards with the Advanced MidSection (AMS). It’s currently available for multi-engine applications and will be available for single-engine applications later this year.

Vous êtes complètement couvert. Jusqu’aux commandes et instruments.

You’re fully covered. Right down to the controls and gauges.

When your builder or dealer uses genuine Mercury gauges and controls when installing a new engine(s) on your boat, the warranty coverage for those rigging components matches the total warranty of your engine.

Find a Dealer

Contact your local Mercury Marine dealer to learn more about which SmartCraft® products are compatible with your boat. Not all features are available on all engines.

All Mercury Authorized Dealers sell genuine Mercury Precision Parts® and Accessories.