Mercury News

13 May 2020

Mercury Marine in EMEA extends warranty coverage and maintenance interval appointments with 90 days due to COVID-19.

Mercury Marine i EMEA utvider garantidekningen og avtaler for vedlikeholdsintervaller med 90 dager på grunn av COVID-19.

Mercury Marine in EMEA recognizes the unprecedented conditions caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. For this reason, Mercury announces that all factory warranties and extended warranties which already have expired or will expire between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2020, will be extended by 90 days.

This warranty expiration date applies to all Mercury Marine propulsion engines and brands, including all outboards, Mercruiser and diesel engines.

In addition, for outboard fourstroke engines with a recommended servicing interval within the same period as stated above, Mercury extends the opportunity to perform the maintenance appointment by 90 days in order to keep the engines eligible to the extended warranty.

To prevent further spread of the Covid-19 virus many Mercury Authorised Service Centres had to close their doors. With this initiative Mercury wants to give its customers and dealers the opportunity to process outstanding maintenance appointments in the best possible way within todays circumstances and offer an extended warranty coverage.

Customers can contact their local Mercury Authorised Service Centre to plan their extended maintenance appointment.